
Action Center

URGENT: Stop the expansion of MAiD in Canada
Canada is close to legalizing medical-assisted suicide for people suffering solely from a mental illness, but our leaders are now fearful about how voters like you will react to their plan.

Canada’s extended Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) was set to go into effect on March 17, allowing those "suffering solely from mental illness” to end their life, but now government ministers are hesitating about the unpopular move.

We must lobby them TODAY to halt this expansion.

Send an urgent message to your MP and Senators today.

In a change of plan that's sure to be noticed by his colleagues, Health minister Mark Holland recently said that Canada is 'not ready' to expand euthanasia and assisted suicide to people with mental illness. 

“We agree with the conclusion that the (joint parliamentary) committee has come to that the system is, at this time, not ready and more time is required,” Holland said.

Contact your MP and Senators today telling them to stop expanding MAiD.

Only 30% of Canadians polled in February 2023 supported expanding MAiD to those suffering solely from a mental illness. 

All humans deserve care and respect, especially when in their darkest moments. But instead, some legislators are seeking to encourage those enduring mental illness to kill themselves. 

It is sickening that those charged to save and care for human life are now destroying it.

That is in no way what Canadians deserve. Every life is precious, and our legislation must acknowledge that.

Stand up for the inherent dignity of human life – send a message today.

The “Dying with Dignity” group has also called for children over the age of 12 to be allowed assisted suicide, meaning anyone over that age diagnosed with a mental illness could make the decision to have their life ended.

This follows repeated calls from certain doctors for parents to be allowed to euthanize children with disabilities.

The deliberate ending of any human life is clearly horrible, but the fact that groups are now coming after even our children, and the government seems to be open to it, just shows how evil and twisted their intentions really are.

Save vulnerable Canadians – send an urgent message today.

Assisted suicide has no place in a civilized society. Canada fails her citizens by tempting them to make this fatal mistake.

SIGN & SHARE: Legislators must defend the inherent dignity of human life.

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