Toronto officials have requested that the Trudeau administration legalize hard drugs in the city, despite the chaos and violence that decriminalization led to in British Columbia.
In a March letter, Toronto city officials appealed to the Trudeau government to legalize all quantities of crack, cocaine, heroin, meth, and other hard drugs, ignoring warnings that it will bring untold anti-social problems to the city.
The “reasoning” behind the request is that people disapprove of drug abuse and drug abusers, who then attempt to hide their habit.
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The document claims, “The evidence demonstrates criminalizing the possession of drugs for personal use leads to discrimination and stigma, and contributes to people hiding their drug use from their physicians, friends, family, colleagues, and community.”
It asks that possession of hard drugs be decriminalized for both adults and minors and that there be no legal limit to the quantity of drugs which would be able to be legally obtained.
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Relating this situation to what happened in British Columbia, Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre explained that the decriminalization of hard drugs in British Columbia “has caused chaos in hospitals, playgrounds, parks, and public transport.”
Beginning in early 2023, Trudeau’s federal policy, in effect, decriminalized hard drugs on a trial-run basis in British Columbia. Under the policy, the federal government began allowing people within the province to possess up to 2.5 grams of hard drugs without criminal penalty, but selling drugs remained a crime.
That policy proved disastrous for ordinary citizens, with crime and overdose numbers only increasing. BC Premier David Eby finally admitted that the province’s ‘safe supply’ program was a failure and called on the Trudeau government to reverse it. Trudeau has yet to respond to the province’s appeal for help.
Lawmakers must stop drug decriminalization – send an urgent message now.
We cannot allow a similar disaster to occur in Toronto and set the precedent for the rest of Canada. We must take a stand and demand that our Prime Minister stop removing punishment for behaviour that is so damaging to society.