When people’s votes are suppressed or laws are passed to make it harder to vote, our democracy is diminished. The late Representative and voting rights advocate, John R. Lewis, once said, “the right to vote is precious, almost sacred.” As people of faith, we believe in honoring the sacred voice and vote of every person and that free and fair access to the vote is a moral issue.
July 17, 2024 will mark the four-year commemoration of the death of Representative John R. Lewis. In the last years of his life, Rep. Lewis championed two pieces of federal legislation to secure our democracy: the Freedom To Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. These bills are still sitting in Congress along with the Native Americans Voting Rights Act and DC Statehood, waiting for the moment when our elected leaders will feel the urgency and moral clarity necessary to protect our freedom to vote.
We know Congress will not act on the freedom to vote without a major push from communities all around the country. Act now and tell your members of Congress that protecting the vote cannot wait! In the spirit of Rep. John R. Lewis, urge your members of Congress to vote NO on the SAVE Act, and pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act to protect our sacred voting rights!