Action Center

Pass the SAVE Act
Republicans are warning that voter registration practices could allow millions of non-citizens to vote in the national election. While federal voting forms do not require proof of citizenship, voter registration forms are distributed in many states at agencies where non-citizens are eligible for benefits. There is ample evidence of non-citizens voting in past elections. This is not acceptable! 

Therefore, U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and U.S. Representative Chip Roys (R-TX) have introduced the SAVE Act, which would require states to verify U.S. citizenship before distributing voter registration forms, but the bill lacks support from Democrats. Election security should be a major concern for all American citizens.

Please urge your Congress members to support this vital legislation.  (H.R. 8281 in the U.S. House and S. 4292 in the U.S. Senate)

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