Action Center
The subject of immigration is politically divisive, and it has often been a point of contention throughout American history. Catholic social teaching recognizes a country’s right and responsibility to manage its borders in accordance with the common good. At the same time, serving newcomers is compelled by Sacred Scripture and Catholic social teaching and is a core ministry of the Church. At this point on the southern border of the U.S., migrant inflow is near zero, and deportations are rising.
Under federal law and the U.S. Constitution, the federal government has the only authority to investigate violations of immigration policy. The bishops support border protection policies that are consistent with humanitarian values and with the need to treat all individuals with respect, while allowing the authorities to carry out the critical task of identifying and preventing entry of terrorists and dangerous criminals.
HF 572 would create the state crime of “smuggling of persons.” We believe the bill is unnecessary. It is already against federal and state law to traffic in humans. Second, the bishops are concerned the bill could be interpreted to criminalize providing basic charity to immigrants. We don’t want to get into a situation as we have seen in another state where authorities are trying to shut down some Catholic ministries that were helping migrants based on a similar bill. We appreciate the language in the bill that requires the person to knowingly be smuggling for payment or something else of value.
Please take the time to send a message in your own words to your State Representative in opposition to the bill.