Clear the Path to Homeownership in Utah

If you work as a REALTOR®, or are on the path to homeownership in Utah, you know our housing market is in trouble -- Utah is now the nation’s 7th most expensive housing market. Rising material costs and high interest rates are part of the problem, but fixing those issues alone won’t improve our skyrocketing home prices. To bring down home costs in Utah, we need to get the government out of the free market's way and fix the imbalance in our supply and demand.

Please use the form on this page to send a pre-written message to your legislators, urging them to support bills that will increase our housing supply.

Utah’s housing supply is at an all-time low, and demand continues to climb, leaving Utah with a staggering 40,000 unit gap across the state.
And it doesn’t make sense. Where are all the houses if the demand for housing is up and Utah has builders willing to construct new homes? Because we all know that when demand goes up, supply is supposed to follow.

The answer is that Utah’s housing market is tied up in government red tape. Government regulation impacts nearly every aspect of new housing, from mandated community amenities to lot sizes and even the width of neighborhood roads.

Utah needs more housing, but for the free market to deliver, the government needs to get out of the way. Supply-based solutions are the only way to get Utah’s market back on track.

These four bills will help clear the path to homeownership by reducing regulation, increasing transparency, removing barriers to building and lowering construction costs overall:

  • HB 289 - Property Rights Ombudsman Amendments - Rep. Kera Birkeland
  • HB 13 - Infrastructure Financing Districts - Rep. Jim Dunnigan
  • SB 168 - Affordable Building Amendments - Sen. Lincoln Fillmore
  • HB 476 - Municipal Land Use Regulation Modifications - Rep. Stephen Whyte

Send a message today and tell your legislators to support free market solutions for Utah’s housing market and help clear the path to homeownership for Utahns.

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