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FGCU Excellence In Student Success- Talking Points
October 9, 2023 by Eagle Advocacy

FGCU Excellence In Student Success Talking Points

• Please support FGCU’s recurring funding request for operational support of $10.9 million.

• Excellence in student success is necessary to ensure students transition seamlessly from high school to college to the workforce.

• FGCU’s excellence in student success strategy is to provide students a comparative advantage as they enter the workforce with early identification of careers and the ability for all students to have meaningful internship opportunities prior to graduation.

• Funding for three-year degree programs, micro-credentials and digital badges, and degree completion programs will build tomorrow’s workforce with future employees who have gained in-demand expertise and transferrable skills.

• Your support will provide the necessary funding to allow early development of the academic skills students need to improve their retention, progression, and graduation rate.

Capital Projects-Amount Requested for 2024-2025
• Please support FGCU’s funding request for capital projects.

• Your support for FGCU’s three capital projects will be vital and provide the necessary infrastructure for focused academic preparation and development of tomorrow’s workforce that fosters an environment of innovative teaching and learning.

Health Sciences Building, AB 10- $49 million
Reed Hall Renovations, Phase I- $2.6 million
Wilson G. Bradshaw Library and Annex Renovation- $13.9 million

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