
Action Center

Visit the FFMIA Website to Follow the 2021 Legislative Session
February 23, 2021 by Jon Pasqualone
We have implemented the VoterVoice Legislative Advocacy Program for your benefit as members. You may access the Action Center by clicking on the 2021 Legislation link on the home page of our website. Here we will track all bills related to our service and provide a quick reference for our position on the issues affecting our industry. We can launch campaigns which will include action alerts with pre-written letters to the members of the Legislature that will be easy for you to forward to help support our positions on key pieces of legislation. There will be much more to come on this and we will continue to populate the menu as bills are filed. If you have an issue we need to track please contact me and we will see how it fits in our legislative agenda. Please limit your requests to those directly related to fire prevention and control and related topics coinciding with the categories provided. We have expanded the list to monitor other fire service interests, but please remember that we cannot advocate for member benefits such as pay parity, pension issues, or other related personnel matters. Our strategic partners at FFCA and FPF will work through those related issues and keep our interests.

For a quick reference bills marked with a green check indicates we support. A red X means we oppose. A black dash means we are neutral or monitoring that bill. Our positions are subject to change as we progress through the session. Please contact me directly if you have a differing opinion or position on any bills listed and we can discuss and forward to the Board of Directors for final consideration.

Enjoy and please be patient as we learn this program together.


Jon Pasqualone
Executive Director
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