Policy Background Basics:

- New Jersey Quick Facts: Children, Families, & Child Care (December 2022)
- Child Care Aware of New Jersey Policy Agenda in Brief (January 2023)
- Why Quality Matters to New Jersey Employers (October 2022)
Federal Child Care Guidance (The Child Care & Development Block Grant)
- Final HHS Child Care Regulations to implement the CCDBG federal child care law (September 2016)
- New Jersey: FY2022-FY2024 Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) State Plan
- HHS, Office of Child Care, American Rescue Plan Stabilization Grant Guidance, (CCDF-ACF-IM-2021-02) (May 10, 2021)
- HHS, Office of Child Care, American Rescue Plan Supplemental CCDBG Discretionary Fund Guidance (CCDF-ACF-IM-2021-03) (June 11, 2021)
- HHS, Office of Child Care, CRRSA Information Memorandum (CCDF-ACF-IM-2021-01) (April 14, 2021)
- HHS, Office of Child Care, CARES Act Guidance (CCDF-ACF-IM-2020-01) (April 29, 2020)
- HHS, Office of Child Care, Using CCDF to Improve Compensation for the Child Care Workforce (CCDF-ACF-IM-2022-02) (September 12, 2022)
- Federal Funding: FY 2022 State CCDF Allocations (All States)
- Federal Funding: FY 2021 State CCDF Allocations (All States)
New Jersey Child Care Background Resources:
- NJ Child Care Center Law (N.J.S.A. 30:5B-1 to 15 -- Child Care Center Licensing Act, Starts at 30:5B-1)
- NJ Department of Children and Families, Office of Licensing, Child Care Center Manual of Requirements
- NJ Family Child Care Law (N.J.S.A. 30:5B-16 et seq. Family Day Care Provider Registration Act, Starts at 30:5B-16)
- NJ Department of Children and Families, Office of Licensing, Manual of Requirements for Family Child Care Registration
- NJ Department of Children and Families, Office of Licensing, Main Child Care website
- NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development (DFD), Main Child Care website
- NJ Child Care Information System (NJCCIS)
- New Jersey 2020 Strategic Plan Preschool Development Grant Birth through 5 (PDG B-5)
- New Jersey 2019 Needs Assessment Preschool Development Grant Birth through 5 (PDG B-5)
- New Jersey Strategic Plan for Preschool Expansion, Phase 1: The Foundation (October 2022)
- New Jersey Preschool Development Grant, 2016 Annual Performance Report
- Section 30:5B-3 - Definitions (child care centers, homes, youth camps, and License Exemptions)
- Section 30:5B-34 - School district child care services pilot program
- 2021 NJ Child Care Market Rate Survey (Rutgers University, July 2022)
New Jersey Child Care Subsidy Policies
Dept. of Human Services, Division of Family Development, Subsidy Guidance
- Extension of Enrollment-based Payments for Child Care Subsidy (through June 2023)
- Return to Normal Policies (with some exceptions, May 19, 2022)
- Child Care Subsidy Payment Rates (effective March 2022)
- COVID-19 Family Differential Payments Extension (Supplemental per child payments, through December 2023)
- Rate Increases and Family Co-pay Waivers (through October 2023)
Background Checks for Child Care Providers (Title 30:5B)
Child Care Center Background Checks
- Section 30:5B-6.2 - License conditional upon check of child abuse records.
- Section 30:5B-6.3 - Written consent for check of records.
- Section 30:5B-6.4 - Notification to division to conduct check of records; results (Child Abuse Registry Check Results)
- Section 30:5B-6.5 - Completion of check (45 days, Child Abuse Registry)
- Section 30:5B-6.6 - Incidents considered. (Child abuse record appeals)
- Section 30:5B-6.7 - Rules, regulations pertaining to child abuse record information checks
- Section 30:5B-6.8 - Report to Governor, Legislature (related to child abuse record checks and recommendations for reform)
- Section 30:5B-6.9 - Fee charged to staff member; disposition (related to child abuse record checks)
- Section 30:5B-6.10 - Definitions relative to criminal history record background checks for child care center staff
- Section 30:5B-6.11 - Criminal history record background check required for licensure
- Section 30:5B-6.12 - Noncompliance; penalties (relating to refusing to obtain a criminal history check)
- Section 30:5B-6.13 - Request for criminal history record background check, time limits, restrictions upon employees
- Section 30:5B-6.14 - Record of conviction for certain offenses, disqualification from employment; challenge
- Section 30:5B-6.15 - Termination of current staff member; exceptions
- Section 30:5B-6.16 - Pending criminal charges notification
- Section 30:5B-6.17 - Immunity from liability for child care center
- Section 30:5B-6.19 - Report to Governor, Legislature (related to criminal history record checks and recommendations for reform)
- Section 30:5B-6.20 - Responsibilities of department (responsibility of the department to fund the cost of criminal history checks)
- Section 30:5B-6.21 - Rules, regulations (authority for regulations with regard to background checks)
Family Child Care Home Background Checks
- Section 30:5B-25.2 - Definitions
- Section 30:5B-25.3 - Child abuse registry search
- Section 30:5B-25.4 - Rules, regulations (related to child abuse registry check)
- Section 30:5B-25.6 - Criminal history background checks for certain family day care providers
- Section 30:5B-25.7 - Denial, revocation of registration (related to refusing a criminal history record check)
- Section 30:5B-25.8 - Payment (Dept. of Human Services to pay the cost of criminal history checks)
- Section 30:5B-25.9 - Exchange of fingerprint data; notification
- Section 30:5B-25.10 - Rules, regulations (authority for regulations)
- Section 30:5B-32 - Child abuse record information check for prospective approved home providers (FFN providers)
- Section 30:5B-33 - Rules, regulations; procedures