
Education and Action Center

Advocacy Tools
Action Alert
Check out our advocacy toolbox for all the tools you need to make your advocacy efforts simple and easy! Feel free to cut & paste from our materials or revise them to better meet your needs.

Advocacy Tools:

Testimony (videos) before the Senate Rehabilitation and Social Services Committee in support of Senator Hanger's license-exempt care bill (SB1239).  Betsy CummingsElly Lafkin. (1/27/17)

Letter from VA organizations to VA General Assembly supporting child care safety (i.e., minimum requirements for license exempt care)

Capitol Day (2017 example). Capitol Day Overview Power Point Presentation

Capitol Day Talking Points (example): Talking Points for Basic Messages (Who, What, Where, Why, When)

Sample Meeting Request Letter  (to meet with your state legislators in Richmond)

Sample District Meeting Request Letter (to meet with state legislators in your district, for example, to invite them to a child care program or to meet in their district office)

Sample Talking Points 

Sample Letter to the Editor 

Sample Press Release 


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