Tennessee Eagle Forum Newsletter
 January 5, 2015
Inside this issue
  Rep. Louie Gohmert: 'I'm Putting My Name Out There' to Oppose Boehner  

by Rich Tucker4 Jan 2015


Rep. Louie Gohmert is directly taking on House Speaker John Boehner.

"I'm putting my name out there today to be another candidate for Speaker," the Texas Republican said on "Fox and Friends" Sunday.

With Gohmert's announcement, there are at least five GOP House members who will vote against Boehner on Tuesday. Republican Reps. Paul Gosar (AZ), Ted Yoho (FL), Jim Bridenstine (OK) and Thomas Massie (KY) have also called for new leadership. Gohmert is the second man to put his name forward as a possible replacement for Boehner; Yoho has done so as well.

Gohmert may be better organized than other potential Speaker candidates. He's already launched a Website, gohmertforspeaker.com, for example. A high-ranking source close to the organized effort to oust Boehner tells Breitbart News that "Website traffic is very high because it seems many conservatives are excited about endorsing Louie for Speaker."

When the new Congress, elected in November, convenes Tuesday, the first order of business will be to select a Speaker. This is generally a pro forma election, with the party leader taking the reins.

But this year an insurrection is brewing, although it's not clear Conservatives can deliver enough votes to replace Boehner. The Congressional Research Service reports there would need to be 29 votes against Boehner to force a second ballot.



  Make your call TODAY  
  If you would like to see someone REPLACE John Boehner as Speaker of the House, mak your call TODAY.

You can only send an email to your own congressman, but you can call the others.  Please do that TODAY.  The vote is Tuesday.


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  Caddell Poll: GOP Voters Want to Dump Boehner as Speaker  

Sunday, 04 Jan 2015 10:45 PM

By James Morrison

Sixty percent of Republican voters want John Boehner replaced as Speaker of the House, a new poll shows, as a conservative mutiny grows against the Ohio congressman they consider too accommodating with President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats.

The Caddell Associates' survey of 602 Americans who voted Republican in the midterm elections also found that they agree with the simmering conservative revolt, as 64 percent called Boehner too "ineffective" in opposing Obama's agenda.
When asked if they wanted to replace Boehner, 34 percent said they would "definitely" support a new speaker and 26 percent added that they "probably" would want someone else.

The survey, conducted last week, adds to a growing debate on the right over Boehner's future as the leader of the House in the new Congress.

The election for speaker is scheduled for Jan. 6, and Boehner would need the support of a majority of members present and voting.

The resignation of Republican Michael Grimm of New York dropped the total number of House members in the new Congress to 434, with Republicans holding 246 seats. Boehner would need at least 218 votes. So far, as many as 18 Republicans are privately opposing him.

Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina, one of the few Republicans who are publicly against the speaker, says he "cannot vote in good conscience for John Boehner."


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Steve King: I Will Not Vote for Boehner as Speaker

Rep. Steve King

4 Jan 2015

This week, Members elected to the 114th Congress will rise, place their left hand on the Bible, raise their right hand and state,

"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

This oath does not say, "I will support and defend the ... United States..." Our oath is a specific requirement to swear, "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States..." President Obama has repeatedly plunged our nation into a constitutional crisis. No past president has so cavalierly violated his own oath and through naked political calculation, willfully violated the Constitution. When a president does violence to our Constitution, those who also take an oath to our Constitution have an absolute duty to defend it. We need a Speaker of the House who carries in his bones the conviction of our oath.

At each crisis point of conflict between President Obama and Congress, we have been admonished by our Speaker to take the high road, to pick our battles, to wait for a better time to fight on better ground. As a product of hook, crook, and legislative shenanigan, ObamaCare was passed. The American voters elected 87 Freshmen Republicans to the House of Representatives, every one pledged to repeal ObamaCare. Then, our soon to be Speaker told us we would not and could not use the Constitutional "power of the purse" to block implementation of ObamaCare. By order of the Speaker, my amendment to do so was placed on ice, citing "procedural reasons."

Where are TN's representatives on election????
Rep. Thomas Massie: Not Voting For Boehner On Tuesday

Conservative Rep: 'I Will Not Vote for John Boehner'

More Republicans Say They Won't Support Boehner For Speaker