Tennessee Eagle Forum Newsletter
 May 29, 2014
Inside this issue
  Better pay attention here...  
  At the bottom of the ad, it states, that Tennesseans for Preservation of Personal  Privacy, Inc., it not affiliated with the ACLU or Planned Parenthood.

What is the lesson to be learned? 
This is just the FIRST 'shot across the bow' of what we face in this campaign to pass Amendment 1.  You can bet that Planned Parenthood (local and national) and ACLU will be pouring boatloads of money in the state to defeat Amendment 1.  You can also bet that MANY other groups and organizations will also be raising and spending money opposing Amendment 1.

In addition, this ad absolutely LIES about what Amendment 1 does!!  Amendment 1 DOES NOT have anything to do with birth control, in vitro fertilization (IVF) or legal abortion.  This amendment will NOT 'do away' with abortion. 

Amendment 1 will simply bring the State Constitution back to a neutral position on the issue of abortion as it was until the State Supreme Court overturned our waiting period, our informed consent and the requirement that second trimester abortions take place in a hospital, and it ruled that the State Constitution has a stronger 'right to privacy' than the US Constitution.  For more information go HERE.

As a result, conservative, RED, Tennessee is a destination for abortion in the southeast. Please go to YES on 1 TN for more details and please click on the button below and make your most GENEROUS contribution. We CANNOT do this without YOU!



  Pro-lifers are like the Taliban?  
  This is the ad as it ran in the Tennessean. Interesting to note that as far as we can tell two newspapers ran the ad WITH the Taliban graphic and two ran it without the Taliban graphic:



  'Taliban' ad as it was posted on their website  



  Ad likening Tennessee legislature to Taliban draws fire  
  NOTE:  Nothing like running an ad supporting your position that offends everyone!!

Anita Wadhwani, awadhwani@tennessean.com 6:49 p.m. CDT May 27, 2014

An ad appearing in state newspapers comparing an abortion referendum to the Taliban has drawn criticism from both sides of the abortion debate, been called "offensive" by Nashville civil rights advocates - and gotten the attention of the state's top ethics and campaign finance official, who said the organization behind the ad has run afoul of state election rules by failing to register.

Tennesseans for Preservation of Personal Privacy bought full-page or nearly full-page ads in the state's four largest newspapers, including The Tennessean, on Sunday.

Under the headline "Vote No on the Tennessee Taliban Amendment," the ad urges voters to vote against Amendment 1, a ballot measure that, if enacted, would give lawmakers more authority to pass abortion restrictions.

An illustration accompanied the ad in two newspapers - The Knoxville News Sentinel and The Chattanooga Times Free Press. The Tennessean and the Memphis Commercial Appeal declined to publish the illustration. It depicts a man whose head and face are nearly covered by a turban marked with the words "Tennessee legislature." He has a weapon at his hip and a round of ammunition around his waist, and in his hands is a scroll with the words "Amendment 1." He stands with one foot planted on the shoulder of a woman in a tank top and bare legs, looking helpless. "Tennessee women" is written on the woman's head.

"It shows an image of a man with a turban stepping on a woman as if a turban equates violence against women," said Remziya Suleyman, director of policy and administration for The American Center for Outreach, a Nashville-based Muslim education and advocacy organization. "Comparing the Tennessee legislature to the Taliban is absurd. What they don't realize is the image is offensive, unnecessary and violent. If we care about women, why use such scare tactics and demeaning images to get your message across?"

Michel Kaplan, an attorney for Tennesseans for Preservation of Personal Privacy, said the only goal of the ad was to educate voters about Amendment 1.

"No offense was ever intended to the Muslim community," Kaplan said. "The cartoon was the expression of the Taliban and Taliban's treatment of women, and the fear that there are those in the legislature who would like to control women's rights."

Kaplan declined to divulge more information about the organization, which was registered as a nonprofit organization April 17. Kaplan, an attorney who represents charitable groups and private foundations with the firm Sherrard & Roe, said he assisted a client in forming the organization, but declined to name the individual or how much money the organization raised, citing privacy.

State Bureau of Ethics and Campaign Finance Director Drew Rawlins said the group was required to register with the state before posting an ad urging voters to vote a specific way in an election but had not done so. Rawlins said the organization would be given five days to comply by registering.

Kaplan said the organization was exercising its right to free speech but noted that "to the extent we are required to comply, we will comply."

The ad seemingly succeeded in equally offending leaders on both sides of the abortion debate.

"I think the images are disturbing and offensive, and they don't have any place in this debate," said Jeff Teague, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Middle and East Tennessee and a leader of the Vote No on One political campaign.



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Tim Hooper

Myra Simons, Yes on 1

Tennessee's Women and Babies need YOU to RUN for 1!!!
There is enormous energy and excitement in Rutherford and surrounding counties with church groups, pro-life organizations, Senator Jim Tracy, Rep. Joe Carr, Mishelle Perkins, Rick Peppers, and many others taking part in
Run for 1 life 5K walk/run in Murfreesoro, TN!!!

June 28th!! Just 5 weeks away!  Run for 1 life is hosting a 5k walk/run on behalf of the Yes on 1 campaign at 3148 Franklin Road in Murfreesboro, TN.
Registrants need to sign up between now and race day at www.runfor1life.com

Sponsors should reserve their spot soon by contacting the run's director, Tim Hooper.
In the 2014 Yes on 1 campaign, voting "Yes" on Amendment 1 in TN on Nov. 4th will protect women's health and the unborn.

President of Yes on 1, Myra Simons stated, "Because of a radical 4-1 ruling by the Tennessee Supreme Court in 2000, Tennessee now boasts a broader right to abortion than that recognized by Roe v. Wade or the U.S. Constitution."  David Fowler of Family Action Council TN confirms that, "As a result, Roe v. Wade could be reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court tomorrow, yet abortion would still be a constitutional right in Tennessee under the Court's interpretation of our state constitution in this ruling." Amendment 1 is a response to this decision. The Tennessee State House and Senate approved what is known as Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 127.  The constitutional amendment proposed by SJR 127 will be on the ballot this November!
About Run for 1 life
Run for 1 life was started as a movement to spread the word about pro-life legislation and serve as a fundraising platform to put these laws in place. We're using fun, positive energy like walking and running to help pass legislation that will guarantee our children, and grandchildren's most basic God-given right - the right to life!  Director Tim Hooper states, "Once, it was our Founding Fathers turn when they pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor declaring all men are...'endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.'  Now, it's our turn!! We need you to run for Yes on 1.  Each person contributing a little will amount to much and change family stories, children's futures, and young women's lives!" Register today at www.runfor1life.com
Ad Compares Proposed Constitutional Abortion amendment taliban treatment women
Updated: Tuesday, May 27 2014, 10:38 PM CDT
Nashville, Tenn --- A new political ad is attracting controversy for a vote that won't happen until November.

That ad depicts a turban wearing man with the label "Tennessee Legislature" stepping on a woman with the label "Tennessee Woman."

The ad is attacking Amendment 1 that would give state lawmakers more ability to restrict abortion, calling it Tennessee's Taliban Amendment.

The ad recently appeared in newspapers in Chattanooga and Knoxville and would have run in the Tennessean too but the paper cut it.

A new political group of self described pro-choice Democrats and Republicans called Tennesseans for Preservation of Personal Privacy are behind it.

Organization Attorney Barbara Moss says the group did run the ad by a Muslim supporter before it appeared in papers.

Moss says the goal wasn't to offend people but to open their eyes.

"I think the people I represent took the risk that they might offend some people just so they could say pay attention people and look at what' this Amendment is and what it might take away from Tennessee," said Moss.

The ad has upset Muslim groups like the American Muslim Advisory Council.