More than 110 adults with SMA and families of children with SMA from across the country traveled to Washington, DC to educate their Members of Congress and their staff about SMA and the unmet research and everyday living needs of the SMA community. In a single day, the group of Cure SMA Advocates met with 60 U.S. Senate offices and 82 U.S. House offices to advocate for new SMA research at the National Institutes of Health, accessible air travel, and other SMA community priorities. We were especially grateful that U.S. Senator Mike Braun of Indiana, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, and U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts reserved time in their schedules to meet directly with the SMA community. Thank you to all Cure SMA Advocates who attended Cure SMA’s 2023 Hill Day or have taken an advocacy action during 2023. Your advocacy matters!