Action Center

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Computer science has become an essential skill in today’s economy, yet our K-12 education system still lags in providing comprehensive computer science education. Despite the ever-growing demand for computer science professionals, many states and schools continue to not invest in this critical subject. We urgently need your support to champion key policy reforms that will expand access to K-12 computer science education. By implementing the policies outlined below, we can equip students with the skills they need to excel in high-demand, high-skill, high-paying jobs across every sector of our economy. The future of our workforce depends on it. 

Create a statewide plan for K-12 computer science.

Define computer science and establish standards for K-12 computer science.

Allocate funding for rigorous computer science teacher professional learning.

Implement clear certification pathways for computer science teachers at elementary and secondary levels. 

Create programs at institutions of higher education to encourage all preservice teachers to gain exposure to computer science..

Establish dedicated computer science positions in a state education agency.

Require that all high schools offer computer science with appropriate implementation timelines.

Allow computer science to satisfy an admission requirement at higher education institutions.

Require that all students take computer science to earn a high school diploma.

Clearly define computer science education in federal policy and programs.

Leverage federal policies that influence teacher preparation programs at colleges and universities to grow a computer science teaching workforce.

Adequately support computer science education by devoting a portion of STEM funding available from federal agencies.

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