In 2022-2023, U.S. taxpayers gave the nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, nearly $2 million every single day. That’s nearly $700 million in total in one year. This isn’t just piling on the heap of government waste; it’s also financing their full-scale attack on the moral fabric of our nation. Every single family feels the effects of this not just in their pocketbooks but in their communities as well.
Under the guise of “healthcare,” Planned Parenthood takes the life of nearly 400,000 human beings every year. But not only is Planned Parenthood the nation’s largest abortion business, it also prescribes sex-hormone medications to children, funds anti-family and anti-life political initiatives, and is alleged to aid widespread sex trafficking and child abuse. This funding stream is a betrayal of every hardworking American; you deserve better.
As Congress considers spending for the next year, remind them that Americans do not support publicly funding abortion businesses. Defund Big Abortion!