Action Center

Urge Your Legislators to Support Workforce Development by Co-Sponsoring HB 6786
As professionals in the construction industry, we all understand the importance of having access to a skilled and efficient workforce. However, the current state mandated apprenticeship hiring restriction limits the ability of contractors like you to hire the best talent, create job opportunities, and grow your business. It's time for change.

Contact your legislators today and urge them to Co-Sponsor HB 6786 An Act Concerning the Hiring Ratio for Skilled Trades.

This bill seeks to change the hiring restriction and allow contractors to hire more apprentices. This will immediately create more training opportunities, increase job creation and boost the economy.

Now is the time to act. Contact your local representatives and urge them to Co-Sponsor HB 6786 An Act Concerning the Hiring Ratio for Skilled Trades.

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