
Action Center

Adult Education WORKS Act
COABE is working with members of the House and Senate to urge an increase in funding to $810 million for the Adult State Education Grant Program in FY2025, putting the program on a path to doubled funding in the next five years. Additionally, COABE is working with the Senate sponsors of the Adult Education WORKS Act, Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Todd Young (R-IN), to build support for this legislation, which contains COABE’s recommendations to update Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). To gather more support for these COABE priorities, please take 5 minutes to urge your members of Congress to provide $810 million for adult education in FY2025 and to cosponsor the forthcoming, bipartisan Adult Education WORKS Act to be introduced by Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Todd Young (R-IN). 
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