Action Center

This is the Action Center Page for Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens.
The actions you will find here reflect our Catholic values and advocate for the work and issues that we do in providing for the social needs of the community.
We invite you to join us in advocating for the following campaigns.

Support Catholic Efforts in the Ukraine
March 4, 2022 by John Gonzalez

Bishop Robert Brennan is asking the faithful in Brooklyn and Queens to “support our Ukrainian brothers and sisters” affected by the war.

“We have seen the painful images of devastation and continue to hear of the suffering and the deaths caused by the war in Ukraine,” Bishop Brennan said in a statement. “Our hearts and prayers go out to all those affected by this terrible war, most especially those who have been forced to flee their homes.”

To donate directly to the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Ukraine Relief Fund, Click here to donate online or send a check made payable to the COMPOSTELA FUND OF THE RC DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN (with the notation “UKRAINE”) which can be sent to: Diocesan Finance Office at 310 Prospect Park West Brooklyn, NY 11215

Many wonderful Catholic organizations are mobilizing to provide relief to the Ukrainian refugee community. We want to be careful about scams so here is a list with working links of Catholic organizations that are providing much needed assistance to the people of the Ukraine.

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is our Catholic institutional arm that allows us to be in solidarity with nations that suffer from global disasters and violence. Now, in the midst of the Ukrainian situation, CRS is responding to the needs of refugees leaving the Ukraine as the Russian army advances. Please visit their donate to the Urgent Need in Ukraine site to support their service to this community in facing a desperate need. CRS response to the Ukranians includes…

  • Field Kitchens to Provide Food
  • Information at Key Public Sites for Families in Transit
  • Transportation of Displaced Families to Families and Friends
  • Evacuation Centers Providing Shelters, Food and Care for Children

Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) is also mobilizing to assist families and medical staff working with the Ukrainian community. You can donate directly to CMMB and their efforts in the conflict by clicking on this link. CMMB is known for taking donations of medical equipment and emergency kits for the purpose of distributing them to places in need. Any funds they receive from this donation link will aid their efforts to provide medicines and supplies for the crisis in Ukraine.  

The Knights of Columbus launched the Ukraine Solidarity Fund for humanitarian needs in Ukraine and through refugee sites in Poland.

Donations can also be made to Jesuit Refugee Service to support the agency’s work with those forced to flee conflict in Europe.

We also ask you to please keep our Brothers and Sisters in the Ukraine in your prayers. Here we would like to share with you this beautiful prayer that our friends in the Passionist community have developed for this moment of global crisis. 



Catholic News Service offers this video regarding the need for the Ukrainian people at this time.


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