The Advocacy Scoop is the only podcast that takes you inside the advocacy work of the National Association of REALTORS®.
We’ve turned one of our most popular conference sessions into a new, monthly podcast hosted by Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy Officer Shannon McGahn and Vice President of Advocacy Communications and Outreach, Patrick Newton. Now you can stay up to date on what’s happening in Washington, D.C., and around the country, while you’re on the go!
The Advocacy Scoop is dedicated to peeling back the curtain on the advocacy operation of the world's largest trade association. The real estate sector makes up nearly 20% of the entire U.S. economy, and NAR's advocacy work is critical for housing affordability and protecting private property rights. Listeners will walk away with a better understanding of how NAR’s advocacy operation works, its many successes, and how the advocacy team is faring on some of NAR’s biggest legislative fights. Shannon and Patrick will also share insights on the 2024 Election, as well as stories you won’t hear anywhere else.
Listen and subscribe where you get your other podcasts.