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BoatU.S. on Watch: Our Right to Petition
July 4, 2024 by BoatU.S. Government Affairs Team

As we celebrate the Fourth of July, the BoatU.S. Government Affairs Team takes a moment to reflect on one of our most fundamental rights—the First Amendment right to petition the government. This essential freedom allows us to advocate for the interests of recreational boaters and ensure that your voices are heard on Capitol Hill.

Our ability to petition the government is a cornerstone of democracy, empowering citizens to influence legislation and policies. At BoatU.S., we are dedicated to harnessing this right to promote and protect the boating community. Whether it's attending congressional hearings, engaging with policymakers, or mobilizing boaters through VoterVoice, our efforts are rooted in this vital constitutional guarantee.

As we enjoy the celebrations and freedoms that the Fourth of July represents, let us remember the importance of our collective voice in shaping the future of boating.  

Happy Fourth of July from the BoatU.S. Government Affairs Team. Together, we can continue to make waves in Washington

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