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BoatU.S. On Watch: Keeping GPS Working
January 3, 2024 by BoatU.S. Government Affairs Team
Credit: Getty Images/4kodiak

Boaters have come to rely on GPS as a primary means of safe navigation and ensuring the integrity of this system is a top policy priority of BoatUS. Threats to GPS include potential interference from new cellular phone services, modernization and sustainment of the GPS satellite fleet and malicious jamming of the signal.

Providing accurate navigation signals is one of the oldest functions of the United States Federal Government. The 9th Act of the 1st Congress provided for "...the necessary support, maintenance and repairs of all lighthouses, beacons, buoys and public piers erected, placed, or sunk before the passing of this act, at the entrance of, or within any bay, inlet, harbor, or port of the United States, for rendering the navigation thereof easy and safe..." GPS is just the latest version of the lighthouse signal.

We know it is imperative this modern-day lighthouse signal continues to shine. To that end, BoatUS is working with the U.S. Coast Guard, Federal Communications Commission, DOD and other interested groups to keep GPS working for all. You can learn more at the Keep GPS Working website. You can also show your support for GPS by signing our petition in support of this crucial safety system: Don't Mess with GPS

The BoatUS Government Affairs Team is on watch for emerging issues that could impact boaters across the nation. Always keeping the boat in mind, we work to stay in front of policy trends on the water. We count on boaters to alert us to issues and trends in their own areas. What are your thoughts? Drop us a line at


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