The Youth Mentoring Grant (YMG) administered by DOJ’s Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention is the only federal program dedicated to supporting quality mentoring initiatives and is underfunded to meet the growing national need for mentors. The YMG supports cost-effective, evidence-based programs that serve young people who can benefit from the positive influence and outcomes of mentoring.
BBBSA has successfully applied for the YMG grant annually for the past 9 years and has sub-granted that funding to approximately 80 BBBS agencies. BBBS agencies in turn use the funding to support their community mentorship programs that serve thousands of youth in need of a positive, caring adult.
Please contact your members of Congress to urge them to fund the YMG with an investment of $107 million in the fiscal year (FY) 26 appropriations bill.
If your agency receives a Youth Mentoring Grant, be sure to highlight how it has positively impacted your operations in the letter to your members of Congress.