September is Big Brothers Big Sisters Month! This annual month-long celebration focuses on the history, impact, and future of Big Brothers Big Sisters, recognizing the critical importance of mentoring relationships for our youth.
Why Mentoring Matters
Did you know that one in three kids in America are growing up without a positive role model and a growing number have one or more family members in jail, prison, on parole or on probation?
Being a Little has a BIG Impact
The one-on-one attention from a caring adult role model is a key part of developing self-confidence. Research shows that Bigs help Littles feel more confident, make good decisions, and perform better in school.
When compared to youth not in BBBS programs, Littles are:
52% less likely to skip school
46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs
33% less likely to hit someone
How can your advocacy work support BBBS Month?
Let your members of Congress know that September is BBBS Month via social media, and encourage them to support BBBSA’s federal legislative priorities:
- Support the Senate’s proposed funding level in the Senate Commerce, Justice, Science appropriations bill of $110M for the OJJDP National Youth Mentoring Program in the fiscal year 24 budget.
- Co-sponsor and support the Youth Workforce Readiness Act (S.454; H.R.3416)—bi-partisan legislation that will allow youth of all ages to gain the skills they need to enter and thrive in the workforce.
- Co-sponsor and support the RISE from Trauma Act (S.1426)— bi-partisan legislation that will increase resources for communities to better respond to youth experiencing trauma and to expand the trauma-informed workforce in a variety of settings.