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BBBSA Federal Policy Agenda
April 5, 2023 by Elisabeth Gehl

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) has a new federal policy agenda for the 118th Congress. This agenda outlines ten legislative priorities within six themes—Mentorship, Workforce Development, Education, Mental Health, Digital Divide, and Community Violence Intervention and Prevention. This agenda will serve as the guidepost for the BBBS network's federal advocacy work over the next two years. 

The six themes in the agenda were identified because they intersect with our organization's priorities and programmatic work. The policy priorities within each theme were chosen after a six-month research and policy analysis effort that involved speaking with multiple advocates from like-minded organizations to determine what federal policies most closely aligned with the work and goals of Big Brothers Big Sisters. 

We encourage you to read the agenda to better understand the federal policies we will be advocating for on Capitol Hill, and to use the agenda language to create a policy agenda for your BBBS agency. 

To view a copy of the federal policy agenda, click here

If you have any questions about the agenda, please contact Elisabeth Gehl, BBBSA's Senior Director of Government Relations, at

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