

Fellow Legionnaires,

We want to bring to your attention an important development regarding the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) budget. The VA faces a significant budgetary shortfall, with a combined deficit of nearly $15 billion over this fiscal year and the next.

On July 15, VA officials informed Congress that the department requires an additional $2.9 billion in mandatory funding to support veterans’ pensions and benefits for the remaining months of the current fiscal year, ending September 30. Additionally, the VA needs an extra $12 billion in discretionary funds to support medical care for veterans next year—this is above what was provided in the March appropriations package and in the fiscal 2025 House and Senate Military Construction-VA bills.

In a bipartisan effort, U.S. Senators John Boozman, Sherrod Brown, Patty Murray, Susan Collins, Jon Tester, Kyrsten Sinema, and Jerry Moran have introduced legislation to remedy the VA's budget shortfall.

This legislation is crucial to protecting the benefits that so many of our brothers and sisters depend on. We urge all of our members to stay engaged and support this effort. Let your voices be heard in Congress, and let them know that veterans’ benefits are not up for debate.


Please write to your representatives in Congress today and ask that they cosponsor Senator Brown and Boozman's supplemental legislation.


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