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NY Take Action: Sen. Hoylman renames his mandatory adult vaccine database bill the ”RFKJR Act”

NY State Senator Brad Hoylman has named his longstanding bill (now S453A) to end the need to get a patient's consent before putting information about them into the State's vaccine database the “Registry for Keeping Justified Records Act” (RFKJRAct.) At this time it is unclear if Asm. John McDonald, the sponsor of the A765, the identical bill in the Assembly, has also adopted this name. 

Perhaps Hoylman believes that making a pun on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s name will inspire those who have received all eleven COVID boosters to rise in support of his bill. Or perhaps it is a juvenile publicity stunt. 

What exactly did the people of New York do to deserve elected officials of Hoylman’s caliber?

Hoylman’s bill is currently numbered S1531, but the bill number will change when the legislature returns in January.

 A mandatory database is essential for vaccine passports like New York used against us  during COVID, and for enforcement of future adult vaccine mandates that Pharma makes no secret are a crucial part of their future growth and profitability plans. 

Hoylman’s bill changes the rules for the current voluntary adult vaccine database so that your permission is no longer needed to record information about you. The Assembly passed this bill last spring, but all bills died with the election, and the bill will have to start from the beginning again.

The only reason for a database that records the vaccines people have had, and HAVE NOT received, is that at some point they intend to enforce compliance. Exactly like the State uses the childhood database to deny children access to school. 

The adult database will provide the necessary information to enforce vaccine passports. It will be used to deny you the right to work, practice your profession, go to college, access healthcare, access public places, travel, and all the other insanely repressive measures they already used with COVID passports.

What else will New York do with your information?  Who will the state allow access to the database? Who will they allow to buy your medical information? Why do these third parties want your information? What will these third parties do with your information? Will they re-sell it?

Take Action 

Please use the panel to the right to send a message to your State Senator and Assemblymember asking them to oppose S453a (the RFKJR Act) and A765.  

And call your State Senator and Assemblymember’s offices and ask to speak to the elected official and let him or her know that you want them to oppose these bills. Talking points are below.  

Look up your State Senator here: https://www.nysenate.gov/find-my-senator

Look up your Assemblymember here: https://nyassembly.gov/mem/search/


The question of who gets access to the data is so serious that the bill was already held up for two years because immigrant activists were concerned that the database would be used by immigration enforcement agencies to locate and deport people. The legislature took these concerns so seriously that they passed a bill that appears to prevent the State from sharing this data with federal immigration enforcement agencies, but in reality, the state cannot prevent the federal government from getting any information they want, but it assuaged the activists enough to withdraw their concerns. 

Hoylman has been the vaccine industry’s most loyal shill in the State Senate. He was the author of the 2019 bill that repealed the religious exemption from vaccine mandates to attend school. He also has a bill to require COVID shots to attend college, and a bill to eliminate religious exemptions for college and employment, a bill to require all pre-school and K-12 students to get annual flu shots, and a bill to require schools to report how many students have medical exemptions to the State Department of Health even though schools already report those numbers. 

Hoylman announced the christening on X/Twitter. The old bill with a new name has yet to appear on the Senate website so this could just a case of tweeting while under the influence.  

Hoylman wants out of the Senate. He already ran unsuccessfully for Manhattan Boro President in 2021. He has announced he will try again next year. Boro Presidents do not have any real responsibilities, but the job provides a bully pulpit for people who want to be Mayor, and commuting to Albany is not required. 


Talking Points


  • What is the need? There are no required vaccines for general population adults,
  • Who else will the State share or sell your information to? What will they do with your information?
  • S453a/A765 violates every principle of medical privacy,
  • S453a/A765  violates physicians' duty of confidentiality,
  • The database will be used to identify and punish people. That is the exact purpose of a vaccine database. In 2022 it was COVID shots, it could be other injections in the future,
  • This is another step to statewide vaccine passports,
  • Opens the door to demanding all medical records, psychiatric, drugs, HIV and other STDs, contraceptive use, etc.,
  • This is taxpayer subsidized marketing for drug companies,
  • Immigrant rights advocates are concerned it will be used to track and locate undocumented people for deportation,
  • This bill will disproportionately impact black and brown people who have the lowest rate of COVID vaccine uptake of any racial groups,



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