
Action Center

NY Take Action: Pass A7004/S7580, People with Disabilities have a Right to 911 Emergency Services
Please take action today to help pass Senate Bill S7580 (Lanza-R)/ and A7004 (Kim-D). This bill would finally provide access to 911 emergency ambulance services and law enforcement for residents of state facilities for people with developmental disabilities and mental health issues. Many people with autism in New York will eventually end up under the care of the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) so this is a critical issue for people with autism and their families.

Tragically, there is no law in New York that requires caregivers and staff in state and private group homes and mental health facilities to immediately call 911 in response to medical emergencies, physical and sexual assault crimes, or deaths. Paramedics and police for decades have not been able to respond to save lives or ensure the protection of our most vulnerable New Yorkers.

Calls for emergency medical care are first routed through a statewide triage center which wastes precious response time. Delays in receiving emergency care have been identified by Disability NY as a leading cause of death for residents of facilities. 

All investigations of crimes committed against residents completely bypass 911, police, and district attorneys and are funneled to the “Justice Center.” The Justice Center has a well-documented history of covering up crimes to protect the institutions, not the residents. Multiple courts have found that the Justice Center is unconstitutional, and does not have the authority to prosecute crimes, yet Governor Andrew Cuomo, Governor Kathy Hochul and Attorney General Letitia James have done nothing to comply. 

Disability rights advocate Michael Carey has led the fight on this issue for years since his son Jonathan, who had autism,  was murdered by his caretakers at the O.D. Heck Center. 

In the final weeks of the legislative session, let’s put pressure on the leadership in Albany to stop this deadly discrimination and pass S7580/A7004.


Take Action 

Please use the panel to the right to send a message to your State Senator and Assemblymember asking them to pass S7580 and A7004.

Please call your State Senator and Assemblymember and ask them to pass S7580 and A7004.

You can look up their contact information up at the links below: 




Please call these leaders in Albany and ask them to pass S7580/A7004


Kathy Hochul, Governor

Albany (518) 474-8390,  Manhattan (212) 681-4580

The Capitol, Second Floor

Albany, NY 12224

Fax: (518) 474-1513


Twitter: @GovKathyHochul


Carl Heastie, Speaker of the Assembly

LOB 932, Albany, NY 12248

(518) 455-3791, (718) 654-6539


Twitter/X: @carlheastie



Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Senate Majority Leader

Albany: (518) 455-2585, District: (914) 423-4031


Twitter: @AndreaSCousins



And please call the office of Attorney General Letitia James and remind her that the Constitution requires crimes against the disabled to be prosecuted by District Attorneys, not cover-ups by the Justice Center. 


Letitia James, Attorney General
(800) 771-7755 

The Capitol Albany NY 12224-0341





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