
Action Center

NY Take Action: Support S3299/A3455 Requires a parent to be present when a vax is administered
New York State Senator Alexis Weik and Assemblymember Michael Durso have a much-needed bill, S3299/A3455, that would make New York follow federal law and require the presence of a parent or guardian when minors are given vaccines. 

This is crucial to eliminate the possibility that a vaccine may be given to a child when the child is away from home without a parent. Vaccines are given at all kinds of public places now, malls, grocery stores, parks, streets, libraries, just about anywhere. And the vaccine industry is hyper-aggressive about getting their products into arms. 

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, the infamous law passed in 1986 which removed legal liability from vaccine manufacturers and people who administer vaccines, also requires that a healthcare professional must provide a copy of the current vaccine information sheet to an adult patient or to a child’s parent/legal representative before vaccinating a child. If parents are not involved in the decision, then they cannot be given a vaccine information sheet, thereby violating federal law.

Last year a federal court voided a Washington DC law that allowed children 11 years and older to get vaccines without parental consent specifically because of the violation of 42 U.S.C. §300aa-26.  See the judge’s decision here. Washington DC chose not to challenge the court’s decision. 

Since 2017 a regulation issued by the Cuomo administration has allowed vaccines and drugs purported to prevent sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) without parental knowledge or consent, even though nothing in New York law allows preventive measures to be given to minors without parental consent.  Passage of this bill would shut that down. 


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And please contact your State Senator and Assemblymember ask him or her to support S5715/A4460. 


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Talking Points


Failure to obtain parental consent leads to a whole range of potential abuse and dangers. 

Current state policy allows shots for STIs to be given to minors without parental knowledge, which provides protection to pedophiles by subverting New York's  "Mandated Reporter" law that requires licensed professionals to report suspected sexual abuse of children.  The age of consent in New York is still 18. There is no circumstance in which minors can engage in sex with another person that is not a criminal act.

Current New York policy absurdly assumes that a child of any age knows enough about his or her own medical history, and the medical history of his or her family to provide informed consent. They must know if they had earlier adverse reactions to vaccines given to them as infants, whether they have allergies or sensitivities to vaccine ingredients, or if there is a family medical history that would contraindicate a shot. And how will a child with an existing medical exemption be protected? In the event of an adverse reaction, especially if a child is unconscious, how is a parent, first responder, or other healthcare professional supposed to provide appropriate medical care to the child? 

There is no protection of minors with intellectual or developmental disabilities under current New York practices. Requiring a parent to be present will alleviate pressuring or manipulating minors with special needs. 

New York has a long and sordid history of using children, especially children of color with developmental disabilities in institutions, and foster care, as guinea pigs for drug and vaccine trials.  Requiring parental presence eliminates the possibility that children could be pressured into receiving experimental products. 

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