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NY Take Action: Oppose S1570 vaccines for 14-year-olds without parental consent
New York State Senator Liz Krueger's is coming after your kids again with her Senate Bill S1570 which would allow minors 14 years and older to be given any vaccine recommended for children.  Since all children in New York are required to get all mandated shots to attend school this bill prompts the question, "Which children is this bill aimed at?" It would apply to un-vaccinated homeschooled children, or vaccines that are not required to go to school, such as the heavily marketed COVID injection, flu shots, monkey pox shots, and Merck's Gardasil for human papilloma virus (HPV). 


Please use the panel to the right to send a message opposing S1570 to your State Senator. 


And please contact your State Senator and ask him or her to oppose S1570. 

You can look up his or her contact info here:



At this point, the following State Senators are co-sponsoring S1570, Toby Stavisky, Brad Hoylman, Zellnor Myrie, and Luis Sepulveda. 


Talking Points


S1570 would violate federal law. Last year a federal court voided a Washington DC law that allowed children 11 years and older to get vaccines without parental consent. See the judge’s decision here.

The infamous law passed in 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which removed legal liability from vaccine manufacturers and people who administer vaccines, also requires that a healthcare professional provide a copy of the current vaccine information sheet to an adult patient or to a child’s parent/legal representative before vaccinating a child, 42 U.S.C. §300aa-26. If parents are not involved in the decision, they cannot be given a vaccine information sheet, thereby violating federal law.

This bill provides protection to pedophiles by subverting New York's "Mandated Reporter" law that requires licensed professionals to report suspected sexual abuse of children.  The age of consent in New York is still 18. There are no circumstances in which a 14-year-old can engage in sex with another person that is not a criminal act, yet the bill would allow access by minors to vaccines for sexually-transmitted diseases. 

This bill is clearly aimed at marketing Gardasil, Merck's monopoly vaccine for HPV. Gardasil has an alarming safety record. According to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, as of 10/127/2023 there have been 81,933 reported adverse incidents with HPV vaccines, including 630 deaths, 7,570 hospitalizations, and 3626 permanent disabilities.  Fewer than 1% of all vaccine adverse events are reported, according to a 2009 federal study

Since 2000, Merck has paid more than $10 billion in the US in penalties, fines, and settlements for a wide range of criminal activities, including $800 million in fines for submitting false claims to the US government, and $345 million for bribery and kickbacks to physicians, and damages related to an estimated 60,000 deaths from caused by Merck's Vioxx product, a side effect known to Merck but kept from the public and the federal government. The time period when Merck was marketing Vioxx, 1999-2004, is the same period that Merck was developing Gardasil, which was licensed after an expedited safety and efficacy review by the FDA in 2006. 

It is absurd to assume that a 14-year-old knows enough about his or her own medical history, and the medical history of his or her family to provide informed consent. They must know if they had earlier adverse reactions to vaccines given to them as infants, whether they have allergies or sensitivities to vaccine ingredients, or if there is a family medical history that would contraindicate a shot. And how will a child with an existing medical exemption be protected?

In the event of an adverse reaction, especially if a child is unconscious, how is a parent, first responder, or other healthcare professional supposed to provide appropriate medical care to the child? 

Who decides who can decide? A person giving the shot, who may have a financial incentive to do so, is allowed to use whatever reasons they want to determine if a minor is capable of giving consent. 

There is no language in the bill to protect minors with intellectual or developmental disabilities. New York has a long and sordid history of using children, especially children of color with developmental disabilities in institutions, and foster care, as guinea pigs for drug and vaccine trials. 

We also do not have solid evidence that Gardasil actually prevents cervical cancer, which takes decades to develop, and we have no solid data on how long the vaccine is allegedly effective.

Gardasil was introduced in 2006 for girls and women aged 9-26 but, contrary to expectations, there has been a sharp increase since 2010 in cervical cancer among younger women

There is nothing in the law that prevents children from "consenting" to experimental vaccines.

The authors of the bill provide no rational reason why this bill is necessary or how public health will be improved, yet it would expose the children of New York to a range of new risks.


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