
Action Center

New York Take Action: Stop A1263/S3162 School medical exemption rates are already published.
The bill to require the NYS Department of Health to publish on its website the medical exemption rate from vaccine mandates at every school is back. Now it is A1263 (Dinowitz-D) and S3162 (Hoylman-D). Small problem, NYSDOH has been doing this since 2012.

See it HERE.

Please use the panel to the left to send a message to your Assemblymember and State Senator that they are being asked to waste time making the Department of Health do something they have been doing for a dozen years. 


Call your State Senator and Assemblymember and ask them to oppose A1263/S3162. Thir contaac



Those numbers show that New York has the lowest percentage of students with medical exemptions of any state according to the CDC

The State launches punitive investigations of physicians who write medical exemptions. The giant corporations that have bought up most of the pediatric practices in the state in the last few years do not permit their employees to issue them. The result, fewer than 1 in 1000 students have medical exemptions. That is less than a third of the national average.  Families whose children need medical exemptions cannot get them, and they join the exodus of families leaving New York for less repressive states, or take unnecessary risks to appease state policy makers.

The bill was originally introduced years ago by Jeffrey Dinowitz (Riverdale-D) to put pressure on religious exemptions. As you all know, we no longer have religious exemptions in New York. 

Dinowtz’s memo justifying the bill argues that we need to protect the people who cannot get immunizations for medical reasons who, according to Dinowitz, are threatened by the people who cannot get immunizations for medical reasons. It is utterly non-sensical and is a silly waste of the Assembly's time. 


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