ASRT sent a letter to the sponsors of Senate Bill 145 opposing paragraph three under licensure of advanced practice registered nurses that allows an APRN to delegate a task or order to another clinically trained health care worker if the task or order is within the scope of the APRN's practice, the APRN is competent to perform the task or issue the order, and the APRN has reasonable evidence that the health care worker is minimally competent to perform the task or issue the order under the circumstances. Specifically, we oppose Section 134 462.02 “Prescription or order required. A person who holds a license or limited X-ray machine operator permit under this chapter may not use diagnostic X-ray equipment on humans for diagnostic purposes unless authorized to do so by prescription or order of an advanced practice registered nurse licensed under s. 441.09.” The proposed language offers no clear guidelines for determining competence. The vague language used in the proposal would result in the ability of an advanced practice registered nurses to delegate inappropriate and unauthorized scope expansion of other health care professions based on a loose interpretation of what qualifies as minimally competent. WSRT Advocates for the R.T. Profession The Wisconsin Society of Radiologic Technologists monitors legislative and regulatory activity that affects the radiologic technology profession and patient safety. In recent years, the society has actively monitored and commented on efforts by the Wisconsin State Legislature to deregulate several professions, including radiography. Their strong advocacy efforts resulted in bills failing and being reassessed. Members of the WSRT legislative committee have also worked with the Wisconsin Radiography Examining Board regarding changes to limited machine operator renewal requirements. View all state legislative and regulatory activity that ASRT follows. 2024 WI State Legislature You can familiarize yourself with Wisconsin laws and legislative process by clicking on the following links: Wisconsin State Legislature |