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Action Alert

There are no bills or regulations currently pending.

Missouri is one of a few states with no educational requirements for personnel who perform medical imaging and radiation therapy procedures. The ASRT and Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologists continue to work on legislative and regulatory strategies to ensure personnel who perform medical imaging and radiation therapy meet nationally recognized standards of education and training. 

View all state legislative and regulatory activity that ASRT follows.

2025 MO State Legislature
Convenes 01/08/2025

Adjourns 05/30/2025

You can familiarize yourself with Missouri laws and legislative process by clicking on the following links:

Missouri General Assembly
The Essentials of Bill Drafting
Process for Enacting a Bill in Missouri
Administrative Procedure and Review

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      The mission of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists is to advance and elevate the medical imaging and radiation therapy profession and to enhance the quality and safety of patient care. ASRT strives to be the premier professional association for the medical imaging and radiation therapy community through education, advocacy, research and innovation.

      15000 Central Ave. SE Albuquerque, NM 87123-3909