Action Center
Medicare Access to Radiology Care Act
Action Alert

The American Society of Radiologic Technologists, American Registry of Radiologic Technologists and the Society for Radiology Physician Extenders are working together to amend Medicare reimbursement policy for radiologist assistants to align it with state radiologist assistant licensure and regulations.

In late 2018, Medicare amended its payment policy to adjust the radiologist supervision levels for radiologist assistants. The ASRT, ARRT and SRPE are now advocating for the adoption of statutory language in Medicare that will ensure that regardless of the setting in which the radiology service is performed; hospital, critical access hospital, ambulatory surgical center or any other facility setting that services provided by a radiologist assistant, supervised by a radiologist as part of a radiologist-led patient care team receive complete Medicare reimbursement. By not separating radiologist assistant reimbursement policies into different payment categories by service location, the adoption of MARCA would enable radiologists to devote more focused time to reviewing and interpreting complex medical images or urgent cases, thus increasing patients’ access to care. RAs will be able to work more efficiently, and Medicare patients will receive care from qualified RAs regardless of the facility in which their procedure takes place.

RAs must complete a rigorous academic program encompassing a nationally recognized curriculum, a radiologist-directed clinical preceptorship, and a mandatory nationally recognized certification examination.

Without complete Medicare reimbursement for RA services paid to the radiology practices employing them, the RA profession is in peril. As a direct result of Medicare’s current policy, RAs are losing their jobs and are unable to practice to the full extent of their capabilities. Medicare patients are not receiving the full benefit of care provided by a qualified and experienced radiology professional providing patient care as part of a radiologist-led care team.

Additionally, the survival of the RA role is not only critical to maintaining quality patient care but to protecting a career advancement pathway for all technologists. Currently, a number of educational programs have either closed or gone on hiatus, significantly diminishing opportunities for future students.


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      The mission of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists is to advance and elevate the medical imaging and radiation therapy profession and to enhance the quality and safety of patient care. ASRT strives to be the premier professional association for the medical imaging and radiation therapy community through education, advocacy, research and innovation.

      15000 Central Ave. SE Albuquerque, NM 87123-3909