Action Center
Promote and Protect the Radiation Therapy Profession: A 2022 Review of Advocacy for Radiation Therapy
September 26, 2022 by ASRT Government Relations


In 2022, the ASRT Government Relations Department is working in three main areas to promote and protect the radiation therapy profession. 

Monitor Radiation Therapy Standards

  • In 2022, the ASRT Government Relations Department made recommendations to the ASRT Commission after conducting an in-depth analysis on operator standards for using     radiation-emitting equipment. Specifically, ASRT found that while four states cite the ASRT practice standards regarding radiation therapy, only two require two radiation therapists to be present during procedures.
  • ASRT Government Relations continues to research, track and advocate for the safety of patients and professionals.


Support the Radiation Oncology Model

  • ASRT has worked with our partners at ASTRO and others to address concerns about the Radiation Oncology Model. 
  • Through consistent stakeholder calls and sign-on letters, ASRT continues to support the accessibility of radiation oncology and the appropriate payment model for these services.


Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System

  • ASRT actively supports the RO-ILS financially in partnership with ASTRO, AAPM, Varian, AAMD and Sun Nuclear Corporation to ensure this national database remains free to use.  Since its launch in June 2014, more than 800 facilities across the country have joined RO-ILS to contribute patient safety data to a national database. The mission of RO-ILS is to   facilitate safer and higher quality care in radiation oncology by providing a mechanism for shared learning in a secure and nonpunitive environment. 
  • RO-ILS provides U.S.-based practices access to a secure, web-based portal and the ability to send data to a federally listed Patient Safety Organization.
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The mission of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists is to advance and elevate the medical imaging and radiation therapy profession and to enhance the quality and safety of patient care. ASRT strives to be the premier professional association for the medical imaging and radiation therapy community through education, advocacy, research and innovation.

15000 Central Ave. SE Albuquerque, NM 87123-3909