
Action Center

Tell Lawmakers in Michigan to Pass SB 867

Introduced by Michigan State Senator John Cherry, Senate Bill (SB) 867 is a bipartisan and commonsense piece of legislation that would make it easier for independent automotive repairers to operate their business at a time when operating a successful repair business is becoming increasingly difficult. 

If enacted into law, SB 867 would do the following:

  • Clarify that a motor vehicle repair business that owns an additional facility can register an additional facility under the same registration and registration number as the business’ primary facility if the additional facility meets all the following criteria:
    • It is located within a reasonable proximity of the main facility.
    • It serves as an extension of the main facility.
    • It does not operate independently from the main facility.
  • Clarify that additional facilities do not need to identify the business with signage or carry redundant customer forms, contracts, statements, and other documents.
  • Allow repairers to renew their business registration for up to four years at a time.
  • Raise the threshold at which repair businesses owned by corporations have to report changes of ownership in the business from 10 percent of the business' stock to 25 percent. 

Now is the time to make your voice heard. The auto repair community is powerful when we speak as a united voice. Be part of this effort by telling your state senator and representative to support this legislation that will make it easier for small businesses to thrive in Michigan. 

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