Support Senate Bill 68
Senate Bill 68 requires the K-12 Kentucky public schools to teach civics and include as civics topics our constitutional republic, the three branches of government, and how government impacts the lives of individual citizens.
It also instructs public schools to promote critical thinking, literacy, and independent thinking in class assignments and to promote wisdom in the career choices that those students will make.
These changes are aimed at improving the ability of public schools to prepare students for their lives later on and for participating in our elections as informed citizens.
The legislation also requires the board of education of each public school district to put a copy of their budget on the district's website. This will make it easier for the general public to know how much money is being spent.
This bill doesn't give us everything we want. For example, it doesn't set a textbook requirement for civics class that promotes the quality textbooks we would prefer for civics education. However, it is a step in the right direction towards improving the quality of education in Kentucky's public schools. So, we support Senate Bill 68 and ask you to email and call your state legislator to vote yes on the bill.
Thanks for your help,
Dr. Frank G. Simon, M.D.
Kentucky Family Association