Why House Bill 419 Is Bad
House Bill 419 is a collection of repeals of pro-life legislation. It would establish both a right to contraception and to abortion services in a broad sense. In so doing, it would make Kentucky a pro-choice state rather than a pro-life state, on abortion. That would mean that the rate of surgical abortions would return almost to 2021 levels, more than 50 times higher than what they are today.
House Bill 419 would also change the legal definition of abortion in Kentucky to merely "a termination of pregnancy," in line with the preferences of pro-choice advocates. That definition obfuscates (obscures) what the abortion debate itself is really about: the killing of the baby (or fetus) in the womb.
House Bill 419 would also reduce the amount of information required to be collected whenever an abortion procedure is performed in Kentucky (regardless of why the abortion procedure was performed). For example, if House Bill 419 becomes law, then abortion procedures would no longer be required to include the physician's name performing the abortion in official records or even the name and address of the facility where the abortion was performed. This move would go beyond giving privacy to the women who would request abortion services. It would amount to a right to privacy for abortionist physicians and leave us in the dark as to how many abortions were occurring at what facility.
Please email your state legislators to oppose House Bill 419.