Please email and call your state legislator at 1-800-372-7181 to vote yes on House Bill 65 and vote yes on House Bill 116.
House Bill 65 requires the posting of the 10 Commandments in public schools upon funding for Ten Commandments signs from voluntary donations.
House Bill 116 would permit school teachers and principals of public schools to read or post the Ten Commandments in a public school classroom and at public school events. The bill treats the Ten Commandments as a historically noteworthy document, like the Mayflower Compact and Declaration of Independence.
Although House Bill 116 is not as strong as House Bill 65 that requires the placement of the Ten Commandments, House Bill 116 could be more likely to win against a legal court case challenge.
We want to get whatever Ten Commandments legislation passed that we can. So we encourage you to call and email your state legislators to vote yes on both House Bill 65 and House Bill 116.
Thank you for your time,
Dr. Frank Simon and his staff
Kentucky Family Association