We need your help to bring major school choice legislation over the finish line this Congress!
At ACSI, we have been hard at work to ensure the Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA) crosses the finish line this Congress to allow more students to access Christian school and any educational setting that is right for them. Under ECCA, taxpayers are able to contribute to non-profit scholarship granting organizations across the country and receive a 100 percent, non-refundable tax credit. As a result, families would receive scholarships that can be used for school tuition, tutoring to address learning loss, special needs services, education technology, online courses, or curriculum materials. Last Congress, the House Ways and Means Committee passed the ECCA, but the House did not bring the bill to the floor. This Congress, we need your help to push this legislation over the finish line. We believe there is a high chance of this bill making it to the floor within a larger package. Contact your Congressman and tell him or her to support ECCA, in whatever avenue it appears on the floor. Thank you for your support and please forward this message to anyone who would be interested in ensuring every student has the ability to access Christian education. |