S. 247 makes changes to Medicare coding policy that removes the up-front costs for individuals who choose a wheelchair with these upgrades.
Please help support this legislation to streamline patient access to stronger and lighter wheelchairs, making it easier for end users to transport their equipment and reducing strain and shoulder breakdown when self-propelling. These benefits will allow manual wheelchair users to be more active and take part in community activities. You can learn more about these bills and find additional advocacy guidance at aahomecare.org/CRT-Advocacy.
A pre-written message is shown on the right-hand side of the page; you are encouraged to add information to that message about your company’s work supporting individuals with mobility challenges, or your perspective as a caregiver, clinician or wheelchair user. Please also share this link with your colleagues and contacts and ask them to take action, as well.
We are working with mobility policy champions in the House to introduce companion legislation soon.